My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Pinecone and delphinium table top tree

Gather a basket full of pine cones. Try to gather the cones on a dry day when the scales are open. If the forest floor is wet, the cones will be closed tightly and you will have to wait a bit for the cones to open up as soon as they dry out.

Roll a large sheet of cardboard into a cone.jpg

Roll a large sheet of cardboard into a cone. Secure with hot glue.

Cut the top part of the cone so that it can stand flat

Cut the top part of the cone so that it can stand flat

Place the cone on a large working surface

Place the cone on a large working surface

Glue the first pine cone to the paper cone.

Glue the first pine cone to the paper cone.

Start on the next row of pine cones

Start on the next row of pine cones. Leave large gaps between the cones for the fresh flowers.

Glue in the next row of cones

Glue in the next row of cones...

Add more cones

... and the next row...

Glue cones all the way down to the bottom

Glue cones all the way down to the bottom

Slip the cone over a stemmed vase

Slip the paper cone over a stemmed vase or place on to a pedestal or cake stand

Glue in tiny test tubes to keep the flowers hydrated

Glue in tiny test tubes to keep the flowers hydrated. Add a few dangling jingle bells (see Tutorial below)

See Tutorial below on how to make drinking straw test tubes and how to fill them easily

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


4 January 2011 Drinking straw "test tubes"

When you need to keep a tiny stem hydrated this is just what you need. If you can't find a suitable drinking straw... I also have an upgrade: tiny food grade pipe water tubes.

16 August 2011 Fast way to fill a lot of test tubes in awkward places

I do not believe in arranging flowers without a water source of some kind. I want my flowers to remain as beautiful for as long as possible and I often get quite creative to...

24 July 2013 Wired dangling Jingle bells

Wire the tiny little bells so that they dangle loosely and will jingle with the slightest breeze

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