My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


15 March 2017 Wedding welcome and direction sign

Hang a twig and wood mobile at your weeding as a direction board

8 March 2017 Wrap lily grass around bits of vine

Create visual interest by loosely wrapping lily grass around an armature

8 February 2017 A Sprouting Spring Twig Heart

Carefully glue a twig armature to display the mini-miniature Darling orchids

1 February 2017 Coil wire and grass to create a spring frog

Twirl and wrap wire and lily grass around a dowel stick to create a spring frog

25 January 2017 Detailing a messy edged grass basket

Weave a basket from lily grass and then cut and curl the edges

18 January 2017 Chain-link string and twig armature

By removing every other twig you open up space for larger flowers to nestle in

18 January 2017 T-connect twigs to shadow a design

Split a twig to create a t connection to hover a twig over the design

11 January 2017 Potted bark pod for a flowering plant

Cover a Styrofoam shape with bark to create a bowl for a potted design

4 January 2017 Glue floral details into an artificial wreath frame

Quick and easy way to securely decorate an artificial wreath with natural elements

28 December 2016 Adding snow to twigs

Glue artificial snow to twigs

28 December 2016 A bark strip and fluffed cotton disk wreath

Cover a wreath frame with bark strips and fluffed out cotton

21 December 2016 Add a Cotton pod Cuff to the Bark Christmas Stocking Armature

A fluffy cuff lines the top edge of the bark Christmas Stocking