My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Mud Pies for my flower friends on my birthday

Mud Pie table

I decorated each piece of Mud pie with Maple leaves (made from Maple syrup) or chocolate and Marzipan Acorns

Autumn serviette rings

Autumn themed serviette rings

Mud pie baskets

Mud pie baskets

Mud booklet

Mud booklet

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


23 March 2011 Mud Pie baskets

I made the baskets from plastic cupcake cups.

5 January 2011 Palm leaf Hopper-flies (grasshoppers and butterflies)

Weave grasshoppers or butterflies (or fireflies) from palm leaves

22 March 2011 Tiny Note books

Binding books with a paper band

Related Designs

11 December 2011 Silver bell and Gingerbread sleigh with frosted trees

Gingerbread and iced cookies for Christmas

5 April 2011 Mud!!! Floral Art Demonstration at the Rondebosch Flower Club

My demonstration looked at ways to use mud to enhance floral art.