My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

A small token of appreciation

Wrap a test tube with ribbon.

Wrap a test tube with ribbon to decorate for single stem token of appreciation gifts.

Wrap the bottom and up the test tube with ribbon.

Fold the ribbon around the bottom and wrap all the way to the top (see detail Tutorial below)

Do not wrap the seal with ribbon

I like to leave the top seal of the test tube to show. This way the recipient can see that the stem is in water and it makes it easier to open the seal and top up the water without having to undo the ribbon.

Lucky Bamboo or Ribbon Dracaena stem wrapped with ribbon.

Lucky Bamboo or Ribbon Dracaena stem wrapped with ribbon.

You can use the same technique to wrap a bouquet or posy stems with ribbon

You can use the same technique to wrap a bouquet or posy stems with ribbon

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


12 September 2012 Wrap a gift test tube with ribbon

Use this technique to gift ribbon wrap a single stem or cover the stems of a bouquet with ribbon

12 September 2012 Infinity fold for storing ribbon

Neatly roll you ribbon to store flat in a drawer

Favourite Flowers

Dracaena sanderiana

Lucky Bamboo, Ribbon Dracaena, Belgian Evergreen, Ribbon Plant