My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


11 April 2018 Follow the line

Stack a few glass containers and fill each with water to a different level.

4 April 2018 Grow on it

Wedge twigs into a vase to create a grid.

28 March 2018 Walking on eggshells

Fill eggshells with moss to create an upright container... with a surprising balancing trick.

21 March 2018 Bring some Spring

Just like the weather is only hinting at spring, so is this design only hinting at being a basket

14 March 2018 Old, new trends

My article and willow birdcage design for wedding rings featured in DIY Weddings Magazine.

7 March 2018 Twist of its own

... a quick an easy design. Curl a few flax leaves to frame orchids

28 February 2018 March Days

Line up a few frosted twigs to march across a shallow container

21 February 2018 Impossible things

A cut stem flower frog for the heavy Hanging Heliconia flowers

14 February 2018 Two Are

Equisetum Valentine's hearts

7 February 2018 Up around the bend

Bend Equisetum into curves to wire into an open wreath shape

31 January 2018 Rock, don't Roll

Balance the heavy Protea flower head to lean against a rock.

24 January 2018 How to make a stack of just enough:

Stack two vases to create a small gap at the side to keep a leaf upright