My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Carry the comfort of winter textures with you into spring

My article and bridal bouquet designs featured in the in the spring issue of
DIY Weddings Magazine

Designing for the transition seasons, spring and autumn, can be challenging. It is early spring, not quite warming up yet, but you are optimistic and don't want to fall back into winter designs. Combining design elements, such as colour and texture, from different seasons can provide just the right amount of contrast to your floral arrangements.

Add the comforting testure of wool to an early spring design

A bridal bouquet for example, that will be touched and carried, can include a comforting and warm feel with unexpected winter textures, and hint at the beauty of spring through colour.

Pearl detail on the design

In winter, you typically use colours such as red, orange and yellow to radiate a warm glow. In Summer the cooler colours, blue, green and white, adds a refreshing cooling effect to designs. Cool colours in a design also create depth as they appear to recede from the viewer, and warmer colours draw you closer.

Spring green

Spring colours are usually tints (colours mixed with white,) and autumn colours are usually shades (colours mixed with black.)

Delicate Eucomis flowers

Pink, pastel blue and mint green are examples of spring colours and burgundy, dark green and midnight blue and brown are autumn colours.

Soft wool and grass texture

Texture is as important as colour, because you can see the texture of a design without ever touching it.

Comforting warm and soft texture of wool

Think of the wonderful and comforting warm-and-soft texture that wool, cloth, and even wood can add to a spring design.

Reserve the smooth and cold textures of steel, glass and pebbles for designs that need a cooler feel.

Wool and radiating twig bouquet.jpg

A successful design exists in the right time and place.

Combining colours and textures from opposing seasons will balance your design for the transitions seasons.

DIY Weddings Magazine Article

Thank you DIY Weddings Magazine for inviting me to be part of your beautiful spring issue

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


6 March 2013 Radiating twig and wool collared Bridal Bouquet

Use wool and twigs to create a bridal bouquet

Favourite Flowers

Ceropegia woodii

Rosary vine, Chain of Hearts, Collar of hearts and String of hearts


Pineapple flowers or pineapple lilies, the Afrikaans names for the flowers are Wildepynappel or Krulkoppie and the Zulu name is Umathunga