My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


15 June 2016 Weave green strips of willow bark into a nest

Strip bark from willow to eave and set into a shape

8 June 2016 Popsicle Stick Square Armature

Glue Popsicle sticks to create a double layered, upright armature

8 June 2016 Stripping bark from willow sticks

Strip the green bark from the stems to expose the smooth wood

1 June 2016 Binding a lily bud

Binding the bud to let it open in an exaggerated trumpet shape

25 May 2016 Sliced Grassy Cabbage

Slicing a cabbage to create an armature for a vegetable design.

18 May 2016 Dangling flowers from blades of grass

Knot a blade of grass around a water source to create a free hanging design

18 May 2016 Sealing water leaks

Petroleum jelly is both waterproof and not water soluble it creates a waterproof barrier to keep the water from leaking out of the vials when you hang it upside down. In fact,...

11 May 2016 Twig snippet vase armature

Glue twig snippets to closely follow the shape of a glass vase

4 May 2016 Loosened Wreath Armature

Snip a dried twig wreath to undo the spirals to hang around a glass container

27 April 2016 Hiding a secret water source in a twig frog

New growth is really difficult to design with and definitely needs to be conditioned and placed in a water source

20 April 2016 Free standing Willow twig armature with a hidden water source

Cut a few willow twigs to split to create legs for the armature