Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
An easy to do ahead of time winter wonderland themed design for the calm days just after Christmas but before New Years Eve.
Well... what can I say? Even Father Christmas needs to take a chill out moment on Christmas eve to make snow angels.
...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. Some cardboard to wrap the string around… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard...
...ok not really that fancy- it’s paper pulp. Cardboard boxes, really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being delivered. This week...
...ok not really that fancy- it’s paper pulp. Cardboard boxes, really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being delivered. My list of...
...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. A cardboard box snow mittens… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being...
...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. A cardboard box gift bag wreath… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes...
...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. A cardboard box Yule log… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being...
A tumbling fall leaf design making use of the autumn leaves that are already falling to the ground.
A hint of a wreath table top design for pre-Halloween decorating.
Use the heart of a sunflower as a platform to place your autumn floral details on.