Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman
Weaving with tufts of grass
- 21 September 2011
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Slip the first tuft between the slats to rest on the spacers

Overlap each tuft of grass to add support to the previous section. if possible weave sections together in between the slats to secure every bit neatly into place.

Continue to add tufts to create a veil of grass

Make sure you weave both the front and the back and catch all the loose strands to make a neat fan

Open up and spread the grass sections. Because all the pieces are now securely woven it looks very fragile but is secure enough to use. Cut the stray spikelets neatly
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I wanted to make a thin and delicate fan with open spaced slats for weaving plant material through.
Guide the fall leaves into the slats with the long length of a needle
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