My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Salty Playdough

Playdough is heavy, pliable, easy to mix, sticky, inexpensive, you probably have everything needed to make it already in the kitchen and it dries overnight. Perfect for floral art accessories. I use it to anchor designs and to create structures.

Ingredients needed to make salty playdough

2 cups of water
1/2 cup of salt
4 teaspoons of cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 cups of cake flour

Boiling the salty playdough

Bring the water to a boil on a stove top and add the next 3 ingredients.

Mix the flour and salt water to make playdough

Remove from the stove top and pour in the flour. Mix with a spoon until it is no longer boiling hot.

Knead the playdough.

As soon as the flour mixture is no longer scolding hot and can be handled start mixing the sticky clay by hand

Knead the salt play dough

Knead the dough as you would pottery clay

Store the playdough in an airtight bag or container for 3 months.
You can colour the dough with food colouring or a water based paint.
For floral art accessories add potting soil, grass, straw or twig cuttings to the mixture.
The dough will naturally air dry or you can bake small items in the oven.

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27 March 2012 A Floral Fable: Approach Design

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