My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman


24 February 2021 Picked up some proper Pruning

An early Spring design with a twist on using an old favourite: composite flowers.

17 February 2021 From here in out

An all natural, zero waste design using only plant material.

10 February 2021 My valenVine

An... everything is moving... design. The tulips are growing and the small vine filled vase is bopping around in the water. And if you lean them against each other just right it...

3 February 2021 here’s the catch

Weave an all natural net to place over a vase to keep your flowers above water.

27 January 2021 Knot how it was supposed to go

When you figure out the "how to" tricks of manipulating plant material it is possible to respectfully set them into seemingly impossible new directions.

20 January 2021 Hope Bubble

That good old double vase trick... but this time I deliberately added a bubble between the two layers to create a third circle in the design.

13 January 2021 It's in there

Complete the picture by drawing a lily flower with delicate vines.

6 January 2021 I tip my (flower) cap!

An enclosed design that invites the onlooker to lean in closer to explore the pretty orchid.

30 December 2020 All is Calm, All is Bright

An easy to do ahead of time winter wonderland themed design for the calm days just after Christmas but before New Years Eve.

24 December 2020 Let your heart be light

Well... what can I say? Even Father Christmas needs to take a chill out moment on Christmas eve to make snow angels.

23 December 2020 Have yourself a Merry Cellulose Fibre Christmas: wired snowball pom pom for a woven grass Christmas tree

...ok not really that fancy- it’s made from paper pulp. Some cardboard to wrap the string around… really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard...

16 December 2020 Have yourself a Merry Cellulose Fibre Christmas: Snow Globe

...ok not really that fancy- it’s paper pulp. Cardboard boxes, really. In the spirit of 2020- I am inspired by the endless stream of cardboard boxes being delivered. This week...