My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Dress up candy cane favors with boxwood, ribbon and beads

A quick and easy way to decorate a few candy canes for Christmas flower club favors

Knot a ribbon around the candy cane and dove-tail the end.

Knot a ribbon around the candy cane and dove-tail the end.

Glue a few shiny red beads to a snipped of boxwood

Glue a few shiny red beads to a snipped of boxwood

Glue the boxwood snipped to the ribbon

Glue the boxwood snipped to the ribbon. The boxwood dries wonderfully and will look festive for even longer than what the candy cane would lasts.

Add a few more beads to make each candy cane look slightly different

Add a few more beads to make each candy cane look slightly different

Festive Candy Canes to share

Festive Candy Canes to share

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.

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