My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Designing in a production line

The key to making a few designs in a short amount of time is preparation. Once you have prepared all the individual bits it is easy to assemble the designs.

Slip the stir stick bracelets over polystyrene

line up the stir stick bracelets (see Tutorial below) by slipping it over polystyrene so that it is secure and stands upright, making it easy to design without it rolling or falling over

Cut all the floral material you need

Cut all the floral material you need. Place them in tiny little heaps to make it easy to pick up and add to the design

I wanted my flowers to be fairly close to the bracelet so that it is rather robust. For this I am cutting the entire stem away and gluing the flowers to the bracelet. If you want to wire the plant material, wire and wrap all of it so that everything is ready to assemble.

Glue all the bits and pieces.

Glue all the bits and pieces onto all the designs at the same time. You can make them identical or create a new placement for each design

Curl and glue in the wire.

Curl and glue in the wire to finish off. Detail all the designs

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.

Related Designs

17 July 2013 Once, twice, thrice

Bend a few stir sticks to cover with wool to make a few floral bracelets